Wednesday, March 19, 2008

1 Samuel 26

(From J.P.) Well, once again Saul pursues David, David has an opportunity to kill him but spares him.Someone told Saul where David was camped so he went after him there with an army of 3000. David heard about it and sent scouts to investigate. When they confirmed it, David went himself and saw that Saul was going to sleep beside Abner, commander of the army and Saul's cousin. David went back to camp and asked Ahimelech and Abishai (his nephew) which one would go back to Saul's camp that night. Abishai volunteered.They went to the camp during the night and found Saul sleeping in the middle of the army with his spear and water jug near his head. God kept all the army in a "deep sleep" (vs 12) so no one heard them come or go. Abishai told David to kill him for " God has delivered your enemy into your hands" (vs 8). David again refused to kill the Lord's annointed but took his spear and water jug.They went to a nearby hill (far enough to call anyone in the army but not close enough for anyone to see who they were)and, the next morning, called Abner. David asked him why he didn't protect the king during the night and asked where the king's spear and water jug were.Saul recognized David's voice. David agian asked why he was persuing him and what he is guilty of. He appeals that if God has set Saul against him then allow him to make an offering and settle it with God and leave Saul out of it. He says that if men have done it, he curses them.

The thing that I notice about David is that he always diverts blame and accusation away from either one of them and implies that God or other men are creating this hostile relationship AND always implores for the Lord to resolve it.

Saul says, "I have sinned" (21) and asked David to return with him. David presents the spear and water jug and asks for a messenger to retrieve them but, since he spared the king's life, God will protect him from any trickery on the messenger's part.

They both parted ways again. I don't know what I'd do if I were in Saul's army. There's no evidence against David. I'd be interested to know what the army is told as a reason for their constant activation against him. Being in the Army, it's just as likely that they were told they were just "going on an exercise" or something harmless. Or they may know they are meeting David but not realize Saul's hostility toward him. We haven't heard any hostile reason why the army would be alerted though.

David keeps his focus on the Lord throughout. That's a good example for us.

1 Samuel 25

(From J.P.) Samuel died and the entire nation of Israel mourns. Notes indicate that this was because he helped reconstruct Israel's theocracy and establish the monarchy. He was mourned like Jacob, Aaron, and Moses.David continues moving into the Desert of Maon. A man named Nabal lived there who was very wealthy an owned thousands of herds of livestock. Notes indicate that Nabal means "fool" and he was widely knows as being a coarse, brutal man. His wife Abigail was, of course, the opposite; a kind, beautiful woman.David decides to ask Nabal to host he and his men for a while so he sends 10 messengers to make his request by first making clear that he protected Nabal's shepherds and flocks when they passed through their camp.Nabal tells the messengers that he doesn't know David and, for all he knows, they may all be runaway slaves.Well, when David gets this message, he tells 400 of his men to "put on their swords".Meanwhile, one of Abigail's servants told her about all this and asked her if there's anything she can do. Abigail prepares gifts of tons of food and wine and goes to meet them on their way.

24-31 Abigail makes an impressive plea to spare Nabal (her) household pointing out that he is the Lord's servant and the Lord blesses all he does. She also prays that his enemies fall as quickly as a "stone from a sling".

David praises her and agrees that God has sent her to spare needless bloodshed. He accepts her gifts and sends her home in peace.When Abigail gets home, Nabal is having a "king's feast" and is filthy drunk. She waits till the next moring to tell him everything (that David was about to wipe him out with an army of 400). When he heard this "his heart failed him and he became like a stone". Notes indicate that this was probably a stroke. He died 10 days later. This was because of Abigails "curse" on David's enemies.When David hears of his death he sends for Abigail to marry her which she gladly accepts. David also has another wife.

Notes indicate that Nabal is supposed to mirror Saul in that David was his faithful servant and he could care less, in fact, was willing to kill him. Nabal's death is supposed to foreshadow Saul's death, also from Abigail's curse.Personally this demonstrates that if we have "evil" employers or people above us in any way who mistreat us or ignore our contributions, God will deal with them. David keeps wanting to take matters into his own hands but God prevents this until He can do it Himself. We MUST stay in the Lord and focus on being God's faithful servant. Then we can KNOW from stories like this that the Lord will take care of us.