Sunday, November 02, 2008

1 Kings 13

1 - 34 Message of the Prophet from Judah

A prophet from Judah interrupts the festivities by proclaiming the altar an offense to God. The Lord told the prophet not to eat or drink in Bethel, nor return by the way he came. When Jeroboam tempted him, the prophet obeyed God’s command. But, the prophet later disobeyed God and believed a lie. After hearing about the events at the altar, an old prophet finds the man of God and uses a lie to persuade him to come eat and drink at his home in Bethel. The prophet was persuaded and disobeyed God. As a result, he was killed by a lion.

The old prophet’s behavior after he retrieved the man of God’s body is peculiar. The old prophet cried out “Alas, my brother!" After he buried him, he said, "When I die, bury me in the grave where the man of God is buried. Lay my remains beside his." Jeroboam didn't give up his evil ways and therefore his house was cut off and destroyed from the earth.