Friday, April 25, 2008

1 Samuel 31

The Philistines fight. They kill all of Saul's sons (including Jonathan). Saul commands his armor bearer to kill him. When the armor bearer refuses, Saul runs himself into his sword. The armor bearer kills himself too. Saul's body is desecrated by the Philistines at Beth Sham. The Isrealites recover his body and bury him at Jabesh.

1 Samuel 30

David returns from Ziklag to discover it destroyed and 2 of his wives taken captive. He asks God if he should pursue the raiding party and is given the go-ahead. David takes 600 men. An abandoned Egyptian slave revives him and leads David to the raiding party. David recovers everything and makes everyone share - even those who stayed behind.

1 Samuel 29

The Philistines are angry with Achish when they discover who David is. Achish dismisses David.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

1 Samuel 28

1 - 25 Saul and the Witch of Endor

Achish makes David a bodyguard. The Philistine army scares Saul. He prays, but God doesn't answer. Saul disguises himself and visits the Witch of Endor. He asks her to bring up Samuel. he tells the spirit of his distress & asks what to do. Samuel tells him the Lord has departed from Saul and become his enemy and that David has been given the kingdom. Also, the next day Saul and his sons will die. He falls in fear and refuses to eat. The Witch of Endor eats in front of him.

1 Samuel 27

1 - 12 David among the Philistines

David realizes that one day he will be killed by Saul. David and 600 men go on the road. Achish gives him Ziklag. David raids the Geshurites, Girzites and Amalekites, completely razine each area. Achish believes that David's actions will make him his servant forever.