Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Numbers 1 / Psalm 28


My notes: "(Numbers) continues the story of that journey, begun in Exodus, and describes briefly the experiences of the Israelites for a period of eighty years, from the end of their encampment at Sinai to their arrival at the border of the Promised Land. Numerous legal ordinances are interspersed in the account, making the book a combination of law and history.

Numbers 1

1 - 3 The Census

God commands Moses to take a census, dividing the Israelite males into clans.

4 - 19 Moses' Assistants

Moses gets a list of the men from each tribe who will help him with the census.

20 - 46 Count of the Twelve Tribes

Here's the list, divided by each tribe!

47 - 54 Levites Omitted in the Census

God says the Levites are to carry the Dwelling of the Commandments - NIV says the tabernacle of the Testimony (the Ark of the Covenant?). My notes say this was for military purposes and a separate census was mad for them in Numbers 3.

Psalm 28

Petition and Thanksgiving

1 - 5 The psalmist doesn't want to be dragged off with the wicked.

6 - 7 Good lines: "Blessed be the Lord who has heard the sound of my pleading. The Lord is my strength and my shield, in whom my heart trusted and found help. So my heart rejoices; with my song I praise God."

8 The psalmist asks the Lord to save His people. My notes: "salvation is more than individual, affecting all the people and their God-given leader."

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