Monday, March 05, 2007

Deuteronomy 3

1 - 11 Defeat of Og

The Isrealites capture Og's cities (60 in all).

12 - 22 Allotment of the Conquered Lands

Moses divides the land and charges the men of Reuben and Gad that the land is theirs, but they must keep troops to help the Isrealites fight. Moses tells Joshua: "You eyes have seen all that the Lord, your God, has done to both these kings; so, too, will the Lord do to all the kingdoms which you will encounter over there. Fear them not, for the Lord, your God, will fight for you" (21-22).

23 - 29 Refusal of Moses

Moses wants to cross Jordan into Lebanan, but the Lord is angry at him on account of the Isrealites. He tells Moses to climb Pisgah and to encourage Joshua because he will lead the people there.

Today's Question: God tells Moses no, and we don't really get a sense of Moses' reaction, but I'm sure he was disappointed. How have you reacted in the past when God has clearly said "No" to you?


Karlton said...

I'm the same way about praying for things (sometimes I wonder if I'm afraid I won't get what I asked for and I will have "put the Lord my God to the test").

John 15:16 "It was not you who chose me, but I who chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit that will remain, so that whatever you ask the father in my name he may give you."

FireBoy said...

Moses didn't get to cross the Jordan. (He did get to see the land from the top of Pisgah.) God instructed him to encourage and strengthen Joshua to lead the Israelites. Although he wanted to go into the hill country and Lebanon, maybe he should have rejoiced in the fact that he got to "train" Joshua to lead the people. I can't think of the last time when I praised God for something good that happened in someone elses life. Usually jealousy and envy pop up.

As for God telling me no, my inital reaction is to "do it any way." I really struggle with the whole wants vs. needs thing.

Karlton said...

Unfortunately, I find myself doing the same thing over and over again regardless to what I know is right. What's the definition of insanity? "Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result."