Thursday, April 26, 2007

Deuteronomy 27

1 - 26 Rites of Reaffirmation

Moses charges the elders of Isreal to cross into Jordan and . . . Post the 10 Commandments!

Cursed be:
  • Anyone who makes an idol (15)
  • Anyone who dishonors his parents (16)
  • Anyone who moves his neighbor's boundary marker (17)
  • Anyone who misleads a blind person (18)
  • Anyone who deprives an alien (illegal immigrant?), orphan and widow of justice (19)
  • Anyone who lies with an animal, his father's wife, sister, mother-in-law (20 - 23)
  • Anyone who strikes down a neighbor in secret (24)
  • Anyone who takes a bribe to shed blood (25)
  • Anyone who does not uphold the words of this law by observing them (26)

Question of the Day: How do the curses relate to the 10 commandments?


Anonymous said...

When they cross the Jordan, go to Mount Ebal and build a stone altar for burnt offerings and display all these rules on large stones covered with plaster.
1/2 the tribes will be on one mountain to pronounce blessings on the people and the other 1/2 will stand on another mountain to pronounce curses.
The Levites will loudly proclaim the mentioned curses. After each proclamation the people will shount, "Amen".

Answer: 15 relates to creating idols which would violate the comm. to not have any other god
16,20,23 violates "honor your parents"
17,18,19 violates "love your neighbor as yourself"
21,22 could be a form of adultery
24,25 violates the law to not murder
26 doesn't relate to a commandment but requires that we honor God and prove our love to him by obeying his law.

Karlton said...

Good summary of the curses.