After 40 years of rest in the land, the Isrealites offend the Lord again so that they are held by Midian for 7 years. They ask the Lord for help and they send Gideon of Manassah. An angel appears to him and tells him he must deliver the Isrealites. Gidean is humble and the Lord works some miracles to help him overcome his fear. When he placed the woolen fleece on the ground, he found it covered with dew the next morning, while the ground all around it was dry. Again he places the fleece on the ground; it is dry while the ground is wet with dew.
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GIDEON as featured in the new VeggieTale "Gideon: Tuba Warrior"
The Israelites did evil again and God gave them over to their enemies for 7 years. The Israelites lived and hid in mountain caves. Whenever they raised crops or livestock their enemies would come by the thousands and destroy all their work. Israel cried to the Lord and he sent a prophet who reminded them of all God had done for them and that they were not to worship the gods of their enemies but they did.
An angel came and sat under an oak in Ophrah (Winfrey) where Gideon was threshing wheat to hide it from the Midianites (enemy) and greeted Gideon by telling him "The Lord is with you."
Gideon said, "If God is with us, why has all this happened to us? Where are all His wonders our fathers told us about?" All very honest doubts and questions.
The angel told him to save Israel. Gideon told him that his clan is the weakest in and he is the weakest in his family. (In the VeggieTale his family are all football players and Gideon is a tuba player.)
God says, "I will be with you."
Gideon asks for signs that he's "for real" so he prepares an offering of a goat and unleaven bread and places it on a rock for the angel. The angel touched the offering with his staff and it was consumed by fire. Gideon has his proof, praised God and builds an altar there.
God gives him his first mission: to tear down the town altar to Baal and rebuild it as an altar to God and sacrifice a bull on it. He was afraid so he did it that night with 10 servants. The next morning the town wanted to know who was responsible, found out, and were going to kill him. Joash, Gideon's father, told them that "whoever fights for Baal will die before dawn" and that "if Baal is real then he can defend himself".
All their enemies crossed the Jordan and camped in the Valley of Jezreel. The Spirit of the Lord came upon Gideon who blew a trumpet to summon help of all the surrounding clans.
Gideon asks for 2 more signs. He placed a fleece on the threshing floor and, on one day, asked God to make dew only on the fleece and leave the surrounding ground dry. God did this. The next day Gideon asked God to make dew on the ground and leave the fleece dry. God did this.
QUESTION: How is this of value to us today? What does this teach us?
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