One of the disciples looks at wonder at the beauty of the stones and buildings in Jerusalem. Jesus states that there will not be one stone left upon another at will not be thrown down. (The Temple was destroyed by Titus in A.D. 70).
3 - 13 The Beginning of the Tribulation. Persecution on Account of the GospelPeter, James, John, and Andrew ask Jesus privately when the Tribulation will begin. Jesus warns of people who will come in his name to say the end is coming, of wars, and and natural disasters. There will be persecution. And the gospel must be preached to all nations.
14 - 23 The Great Tribulation
Jesus warns the four about the "desolating sacralige" (My notes: from Daniel 9:27 - normally used to designate any idolatrous and sacrilegous person, thing or act outrageious to the religious faith of the Jewish people)
24 - 27 The Coming of the Son of Man
28 - 31 The End Will Surely Come: the Lesson of the Fig Tree
32 - 37 The Time of Christ's Coming
1 comment:
Yes, one of the disciples was admiring the beauty of the temple architecture and Jesus told him that "not one stone will be left". They asked when this will happen and what will be the warning signs.
There will be many false prophets claiming to be Christ.
Wars and rumors of wars (globally, I believe)
earthquakes and famines (globally)
Christians will be handed over to the governments and tortured in the churches. The Holy Spirit will speak through us at that time to witness to our persecutors.
Families will split over Christ. Those who stand firm will be saved.
"The abomination that causes desolation" is a pagan alter which will be erected in the Temple. When Christians see this, we should "flee to the mountains" (hide): don't hesitate, don't go home to get your coat. Those days will be the most miserable since the Creation.
God will shorten this time only so "the elect" may survive.
"The elect" are those who choose Christ, even up to the last minute. Those who don't choose (agnostic), choose against (athiests), or are never told about Christ to make a choice in the first place will perish. If we don't want these people to perish it's OUR responsibility to tell them. We can't convince them, only God can do that, but we MUST tell them.
Again, false Christs and false prophets will be everywhere performing convincing miracles to try to trick us. Only those with a true relationship with Christ will recognize these false people.
After all this day and night will be confused, "stars will fall", and "heavenly bodies will be shaken". We'll certainly know that something truly "earth shattering" is happening.
Jesus will come to earth in clouds with great glory and power. He will send angels to collect "the elect" from all over the earth.
Just as we can tell seasons are changing by leaves turning or budding, we will recognize the end is near from these signs.
No one but God knows when the end will be; not Jesus, the angels or any being at all in existence, SO BE PREPARED AND WATCHFUL!
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