Elkanah had two wives: Peninnah, who had children, and Hannah, who had no children (see right). He went regularly to Shiloh where the sons of Eli (Hophni and Phinehas) were priests. When he offered sacrifice, he gave a double portion to Hannah, which upset Peninnah, who would reproach her and Hannah would refuse to eat.
One time Hannah presented herself at Shiloh she prayed to the Lord, " . . . if you give your handmaid a male child, I will give him to the LORD for as long as he lives; neither wine nor liquor shall he drink, and no razor shall ever touch his head." Elkanah thoughtshwas drunk, but when she told him she was praying, he blessed her. She went back with her husband, and they conceived a child. They named him Samuel.
21 - 28 The Consecration of Samuel
Elkanah wanted to present Samuel at the temple, but Hannah wanted to wait until Samuel was weaned. When Samuel was weaned, they went up and sacrificed a bull. She thanked the Lord for Samuel and dedicated his life to the Lord.
I thought I read that more was given to Peninnah.
Awesome faith and dedication to God by Hannah. It's got to be difficult to leave your child somewhere, even if you are giving him to the Lord.
verse 5: 'but to Hannah he gave a double portion because he loved her.' I was wrong about Peninnah's motive for picking on Hannah - it was "because the LORD had closed her womb." (I just figured she was jealous because she had all those mouths to feed).
Hannah is a great model for faith and dedication - especially after being barren for so long. She's a lot like Sarah in Genesis,
3 Notes indicate that they would travel to the temple 3 times a year. Hannah's grief over her barrenness was probably deeper during festive times.
"The Lord Almighty" This is the first time this title is used. Another common translation is "Lord of Hosts" which indicates his sovereighnty over all powers in the universe (humans, heavenly bodies, angels, etc.).
5 "the Lord had closed her womb" Notes point out that God gives and withholds children.
11 vow - notes, Regulations for the making of vows by women are found in Numbers 30. "all the days of his life" as opposed to the usual time of service for a Levite (age 25-50). Hannah volunteers the same committment as Samson. Long hair is a symbol of dedication of service to the Lord and is a characteristic Nazareen vow and was usually for a limited time rather than life.
Eli, the priest, noticed Hannah praying and told her, "May the God of Israel grant you wht you have asked of him." She ate and didn't look troubled any more (that usually does it for me too).
The next day she lay with Elkanah an God remembered her.
After Samuel was weaned (notes inidicate 3 years), Hannah took, him to Eli to dedicate him to the Lord. She told Eli of her vow and gave him to Eli to raise.
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