Monday, December 04, 2006

Psalm 55

Complaint About a Friend's Treachery

1 - 2 The psalmist asks God to listen to him and he describes his torment over the situation.

3 - 8 The psalmist wishes to escape his troubles: "O that I had wings like a dove! I would fly away and be at rest!" (6) He compares his situation as being in a storm

9 - 11 The psalmist requests God to confuse the enemy because they are ruining the community.

12 - 15 He says he can deal with his enemies, it is those in his own ranks who have betrayed him that is hard to face.

16 - 19 He prays to God to redeem him in battle.

20 - 21 He feels bad because his freind broke a covenant with him.

22 - 23 He gives up his problem to the Lord, and puts his trust in the Lord.

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