Sunday, December 31, 2006

Psalm 56

Trust in God Under Persecution

The psalmist prays for help while being persecuted by enemies.

1 - 4 The psalmist asks for God's grace and promises to put his faith in God no matter what

5 - 7 The psalmist refers to the evil of his enemies.

8 - 11 But God is good. "You have kept count of my tossings; put my tears in your bottle. Are they not in your record?" He will trust God - "What can a mere mortal do to me?"

12 - 13 The psalmist promises to keep his vows to God and render offerings - "For you have delivered my soul from death and my feet from falling so that I may walk before God in the light of life."


Anonymous said...

An enemy is attacking David, mainly with slander (vs2).
3&4 David says that he trusts God but nothing specific. It is important to be specific.
7 a request for God to destroy the nation pursuing him
8 a plea for God to "make a note" of David's tears hoping that God will actually do it if he "writes it down"
9 If the enemy turns away then David will know that God is with him. (Why do we put conditions on our prayers... like God isn't with us all the time anyway, He never leaves)

12 VERY IMPORTANT: David speaks as if this prayer has already been answered and he is in God's debt. It really takes prayer and spiritual life to another level to imagine that the situation has already been resolved with God's answer. It gives great strength and confidence. David says that he is under vows to God and will present thank offerings to God for "you have delivered me from death".

Karlton said...

I like the last line - "For you have delivered my soul from death and my feet from falling so that I may walk before God in the light of life." - because you can read it to mean Jesus Christ.