Monday, December 17, 2007

Mark 10


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jesus discusses divorce. The pharisees asked Jesus about it and he asked them what Moses had to say about it. Moses permitted it. Jesus said that it was because of man's hardness of heart that Moses allowed this but that in God's eyes, if they are ever with another partner, they are committing adultery. "What God has joined together, let man not separate."

People brought children to Jesus and the disciples rebuked them. Jesus scolded them and said, "Anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it." To me, this indicates that our faith should have an element of naive, completely honest, open belief. Faith is supernatural. Those who are "down to earth" and closed minded have trouble with faith because of this, but they must "get over it" to receive it.

A rich young man came to Jesus and asked him what he needed to do to receive heaven. Jesus mentioned the commandments which the man said he kept. Jesus told him to sell everything he owned and give it to the poor. The man couldn't do it. Jesus said, "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter heaven." Also, "With man this (salvation) is impossible, but with God ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE." Jesus reminds the disciples that no one who sacrifices ANYTHING on earth will receive A HUNDRED TIMES as much in heaven.
One interesting point:
The rich man addresses Jesus as "Good Teacher". Jesus asks him why he calls him "good" and that NO ONE BUT GOD is good (He's also great).

Jesus tells the disciples about his death again but they still don't understand.

James and John ask Jesus if they can sit beside him in Heaven. Jesus says that that's not for him to grant for those places are for those for whom they have been prepared. Jesus reminds them that their request is based on worldly recognition and that know that, with Him, the lowest is the hightest. The one who humbles himself and serves others most will receive the greatest glory in heaven.

Bartimaeus, a blind man, is healed on their way to Jerusalem for "the end".