Monday, November 26, 2007

Mark 9

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

1 Jesus predicts that some of his followers "will not taste death before they see the kingdom of God return".
2-13 Jesus took Peter, James, and John with him up on a high mountain where he was transfigured. He and his clothes turned a blinding white and Moses and Elijah appeared with him. A cloud enveloped all of them and a voice said, "This is my Son, whom I love, Listen to him!" Then they were alone with Jesus again. Jesus told them not to tell anyone until "the Son of Man had risen from the dead".
14-29 When they got back to the other disciples, they were trying to exercise a demon from a boy. The boys father explained the situaiton and Jesus asked them to bring the boy to him. As soon as the demon saw Jesus he convulsed the boy, screamed, then left immediately. Everyone thought the boy was dead but Jesus stood him up. The disciples asked why they couldn't drive out the demon. Jesus explained that "that kind can only come out by prayer".

Jesus and the group began travelling again. He told them that the Son of Man would be betrayed to men who would kill him. After 3 days he will rise. They didn't understand what he meant and were afraid to ask. (The only stupid question is the unasked one.)

33-37 Jesus interupted the disciples arguing over which one of them was the greatest. Jesus said that the most humble servant among them is the greatest.

38-41 The disciples saw a man driving out demons. They asked him to stop because he wasn't a disciple. Jesus told them that "whoever isn't against us is for us" and they should have supported his efforts; that anyone who ministers in Christ's name will be rewarded.

42-50 Any believer who causes an unbeliever, child, or "young" believer to sin would be better if they tied a huge stone around their neck and were thrown into the sea.
Once a believer reaches some maturity, he "knows better" than to sin. He should recognize sin and protect others from it, not lead them to it. The punishment is greater in this case.
Also, if a part of your body causes you to sin, you should "cut it off". Jesus is being dramatic, of course, but the point is true. If you look at things which cause you to sin or think sinfully, it would be better to be blind and live righteously. The same goes for the other senses. Whatever it takes to live righeously is what we should do. Jesus makes the point several times that the "fires of hell never go out and are never quenched". If it takes us "cutting off part of our body"to avoid hell, then by all means do so; better pain in this brief life than eternity in hells fire.