Wednesday, February 06, 2008

1 Samuel 16

1 - 13 Samuel Anoints David

The Lord sends Samuel to Jesse of Bethlehem with a heifer to sacrifice (and to find a new king). Samuel sees Eliab and thinks he's the chosen one, but the Lord tells him Samuel not to go on appearances. It turns out that the youngest, David, who is tending sheep is the chosen one. Samuel anoints David with a horn of oil and the Spirit of the Lord comes upon the young shepherd.

14 - 23 David in Saul's Service

The Spirit of the Lord leaves Saul and an evil spirit of the Lord torments him. Saul's attendents see this happening and decide to get someone to play the harp to soothe him. When David would play, the evil spirit would leave Saul and relieve him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Samuel was still mouring Saul but God told him to get a horn of oil and "be on your way" to annoint a new king whom God would show him. He went to Jesse to choose from among his sons. Jesse began presenting his sons to Samuel.

7 "The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance but the Lord looks at the heart."

David, the youngest, was chosen. After he was annointed, the power of the Lord came upon him.

As Karlton said, an evil spirit tormented Saul so his attendants called for a harpist to comfort him. Apparently David was also a good musician, was summoned, and played for Saul. Saul requested from Jesse that he be "transferred" into Saul's service as his armor bearer (and harpist) which Jesse allowed.

The main point to remember from all this is vs 7 that we should endeavor to look inward at people; try to see their heart. I hope people look at me that way.