Wednesday, February 13, 2008

1 Samuel 18

1 – 9 Jonathan’s Covenant with David

After David kills Goliath, Jonathan becomes very close to him. Saul won’t let David return to his family and Jonathan makes a covenant with him, giving him all of his accessories. (This is remarkable, because as Saul's son, he stands to gain everything upon Saul's death.) Saul puts David in charge of the army. As they return the women come out and sing to them – mainly about how David killed more Philistines than Saul. Saul “eyed David from that day on.”

10 – 6 Saul Tries to Kill David

An evil spirit from God comes upon Saul the next day. While David is playing, Saul attacks him with a spear but misses. Saul is afraid of David because the Lord was with David but not Saul. He sends David away to battle, and because the Lord was with him, David was always victorious.

17 – 30 David Marries Michal

Saul gives David his elder daughter Merab. David knows that the marriage isn’t proper – so Merab is promised to someone else. Saul’s daughter Michal was in love with David, and Saul plans to give him to David “so that she may be a snare to him and the Philistines may be against him.” He even enlists the help of David’s servants. David still says he’s not worthy to be a king’s son-in-law. When Saul hears this, Saul declares he wants 100 Philistine foreskins as a price for his daughter. (Saul expects he’ll die in battle). David agrees, goes to battle, and brings back 200 Philistine foreskins. Saul gave him his daughter. When he realizes that the Lord is with David and Michal loves him, he is even more afraid of David and becomes his enemy for life.


Anonymous said...

Good summary Karlton!

Part of me wants to shake my head at Saul in disappointment but then, I wonder if he knew that God's sprit left him and even was replaced by an evil spirit. If he doesn't know that then he thinks God is with both of them and is confused that he's king but God is blessing David more. Yet, if I knew God's spirit was with me I'd know that most of this behavior is against that spirit. I guess the main indication that God's spirit has left him IS this jealous, scheming, murderous behavior. I would just hope that if I realized this that my main goal would be to reconcile with God. As it is, Saul's behavior is just expanding the gap in leadership and popularity between he and David.

For us, we can see what Godless behavior is like so we can recognize it, avoid it, and pray for anyone else who demonstrates it.

Karlton said...

Whether or not Saul recognized the spirit or not, his sin is jealously, which is easily recognizable. (I see it in myself all the time. . . )