Thursday, March 01, 2007

Deuteronomy 1

Part One: Historical Review and Exhortation (Dt. 1, 1-4, 43)

1 - 5 Introduction

In the land of Moab, in the 40th year, on the first day of the eleventh month, Moses gave the Isrealites all God's commands.

6 - 8 Departure from Horeb

Moses tells the story of how the Lord told the Isrealites to leave Horeb for Lebanan (and as far as the Great River [Euphrates]) - this is the land the Lord promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and their descendants.

9 - 18 Appointment of Elders

Since then, the Isrealites have multiplied, and since Moses alone couldn't listen to their complaints he appointed elders to make judgement on problems.

19 - 25 The Twelve Scouts

The Isrealites left Horeb, and when they reached the land of the Amorites (which the Lord gave them), Moses sent 12 scouts ahead to check things out. They brought fruit back and declared it was good.

26 - 40 Threats of Revolt

Except for Caleb, the crowd lost faith and refused to go up. The Lord was angry and wouldn't even let Moses see the new land. The Lord, however, allows Joshua to see it and promises the land to the Isrealite children - but the rest have to "proceed into the desert on the Red Sea road."

41 - 46 Unsuccessful Invasion

The Isrealites reply that they have sinned and that they will fight. But the Lord tells Moses to warn them that the Amorites will beat them if they try it. The Isrealites didn't listen and the Amorites "came out . . . like bees" and chased them off.

Question of the Day:

I still think it would be a good idea to have a "discussion question" to get us talking (Hey, I'm an English teacher).

Anyway - Here it is: What can we learn about our present Christian life by learning about the trials of this group of Isrealites?


edouga said...

God allows the possibility of a "promised land" in every ones personal life as they are led by the holy spirit to fulfill what is to be their calling.

FireBoy said...

Verse 17 is awesome....Do not be afraid of any man, for judgement belongs to God. The message I got studying this chapter is FAITH. Even though God fought with them in Egypt, the Israelites didn't have faith that he would be with them in the hill country of the Amorites. How many times do we do the same thing? If God is telling us to do something, it's going to work out great for us if we just trust him and go for it. But I'll feel the Spirit "pushing" me to do something and fight with myself to ignore it. I've got to be more like Caleb! I sure don't want God to turn a deaf ear to me.

Karlton said...

edouga - Now, if I can just figure out (with the Lord's help) just what that calling is!

fireboy - It's comforting that sometimes the Isrealites don't have enough faith. They seem more "real" that way.

jp - I've always known you were a rebel.