Monday, April 09, 2007

Deuteronomy 19

1 - 13 Cities of Refuge

Set apart three cities for refuge for people wanted for murder. (This probably protects the avenger from breaking the commandments as much as it protects the murderer).

14 Proscription of Encroachment

Don't move your neighbor's boundary marker (it's like stealing, anyway . . . )

15 - 21 Witnesses

A single witness is not enough to convict a person of a crime. Then there are laws about false witnesses. Here's where the line comes: Show no pity: life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot."

Question of the Day: What did Jesus say when he referred to line 19?


Karlton said...

What, JP, you don't want to watch "Grindhouse?" I might be interested, I'll have to check the schedule out. I believe the WWV is playing that evening (plus, since I'm close to home I have to check to see what Janet's schedule has for me)

FireBoy said...

I love verses 11-13. Bringing the murderer back to the victims avenger to be put to death. Now that's a great concept!

If verse 19 was "in practice" today, there would not be as much of the frivilous (forgive my spelling) lawsuits. I doubt the some one would sue McDonald's because they ate 10 cheeseburgers a day and weigh 400 lbs if that were the case.

Karlton said...

I agree, Fireboy.