Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Judges 10

Tola (an Issacharite) judged Israel after Abimelech for 24 years. Then he died.

Jair (a Gileadite) judged Israel for 22 years. He had 30 sons who rode 30 saddle-asses and possessed 30 cities (called Havvoth Jair). Then Jair died.

Then the Israelites offend the Lord and are oppressed for 18 years by the (Bobby?) Ammonites. They cry out to the Lord and cast out the foreign gods so that the Lord grieves for them.

The Ammonites gather for war and encamp in Gilead, and the princes of Gilead say, "The one who begins the war against the Ammonites shall be the leader of Gilead."


Anonymous said...

Well, this chapter is short and you have summarized it well.
It's interesting and frightening that God would abandon them but it was because of their own free choice. I'd get tired of their fickleness also. When they "truely repented" and served God, He could see that. They had to pray constantly then follow that with service. I know that since Christ our faith is no longer based on works but our behavior is a fruit of our spirit. Our Godly, reverent behavior should be a natural result of our spiritual relationship. The proof of our faith is love of our fellow man and obedience; these are both physical manifestations.

Karlton said...

Again, the Israelites don't keep their part of the bargain. (God always keeps his part.)

We need both faith and works. (After all, aren't love of fellow man and obedience "works"?)