Monday, September 17, 2007

Judges 5

The Canticle of Deborah

This is the song that Deborah sings about the victory.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


This chapter is a song written by Deborah to commemorate the defeat of Jabin and Sisera.
My notes are very helpful here. Some events are mentioned in the song that aren't in the previous chapters.
2 the purpose of the song: "when Israel takes the lead, when people willingly offer themselves (volunteer)".
4-5 recognition of God's power by recalling His presence on Mt. Sinai with Moses.
6-7 streets were unsafe and people left their villiages for the protection of walled towns
8 recalling a period when Israel adapted and befriended the Canaanites
12 a call to action
13-18 remembering which tribes helped and which didn't
19 Notes indicate that there is a vast plain by the river Megiddo which has been a strategic battlefield throughout history. There are records of a Pharaoh cefeating a Canaanite group there in 1468 and in 1917 a British group defeated the Turks and drove them from Palestine here.
28-31 recalling the story of Jael killing Sisera.