David returns from Ziklag to discover it destroyed and 2 of his wives taken captive. He asks God if he should pursue the raiding party and is given the go-ahead. David takes 600 men. An abandoned Egyptian slave revives him and leads David to the raiding party. David recovers everything and makes everyone share - even those who stayed behind.
1 comment:
from J.P.
David and his 600 men return to Ziklag to find it burned by Amalekites. Their women and children had been taken hostage and all their livestock and valuables taken also.
4 David and his men wept aloud until they had no strength to weep.
David told Abiathar, the priest, to bring the ephod. David prayed whether or not he should pursue the raiders. God answered that he should and that he will succeed. On the way, they came to a ravine and 200 men were too exhausted to cross so they stayed there with the supplies. Further on they found an Egyptian alone in a field. He was weak for he had not eaten or drank for 3 days. The men brought him to David, fed him and gave him drink, then asked his story. He was the slave of one of the Amelikites who left him because he was sick. David asked if he could lead them to the raiders. The slave said he could as long as they would protect him and not give him over to the Amelikites.
David and his men found them in a valley enjoying their plunder. They fought them from dusk until the next evening and succeeded in recovering every single person, possession, and livestock. When they retuned to the 200 who waited behind, the soldiers who fought didn't want to share the plunder they recovered, only give them their families back. David said that all would share equally and that has been Israel's rule to this day. David also send some of the plunder to the elders of Judah and all their neighboring towns who knew him.
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