Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Matthew Twenty Seven

Chapter 27

1 - 2 Jesus Brought Before Pilate

Pilate is the governor

3 - 10 The Suicide of Judas

Judas hanged himself at the Field of Blood. Judas' remorse is only in Matthew.

11 - 14 Pilate Questions Jesus

Jesus refuses to answer Pilate's question directly.

15 - 23 Barabbas or Jesus?

The crowd chooses Barabbas, "a notorious criminal," to be released over Jesus (When I was in high school I saw a movie called Barabbas with Anthony Quinn in the title role. I don't remember enjoying it).

24 - 26 Pilate Hands Jesus over to Be Crucified

Pilate "washes his hands". I've always felt kind of sorry for Pilate - maybe it was the sympathetic portrayal of him in Jesus Christ Superstar.

27 - 31 The Soldiers Mock Jesus

Insult to injury . . .

32 - 44 The Crucifixion of Jesus

They offered him wine mixed with gall (my notes say a bitter and poisonous herb). Even the bandits who are crucified with him taunt him.

45 - 56 The Death of Jesus

When he dies, the curtain of the temple is torn in two, (probably symbolizing access to God for all, my notes)

57 - 61 The Burial of Jesus

The Joseph of Arimethea who takes the body is not Joseph, Jesus' father.

62 - 66 The Guard at the Tomb

Pilate orders a guard to Jesus' tomb.

1 comment:

Karlton said...

Great notes.