Thursday, March 02, 2006

Matthew Twenty One

Chapter 21

1 - 11 Jesus' Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem

As Jesus enters Jerusalem, the conflict with religious leaders intensifies. Plus the words of the prophets are fulfilled.

12 - 17 Jesus Cleanses the Temple

Jesus drives out "all who were selling and buying in the temple" It's not wrong to get angry at the commercialization of religion.

18 - 22 Jesus Curses the Fig Tree

A fig tree has no fruit and it withers. A happy ending: "(22) Whatever you ask for in prayer with faith, you will receive." The key is "with faith"

23 - 27 The Authority of Jesus Questioned

In the temple, the pharisees asks Jesus by what authority he is doing the things he does. He turns the question back on them, and they can't answer it, so he refueses to answer it for them.

28 - 32 The Parable of the Two Sons/The Parable of the Wicket Tenants

My notes say the four parables that follow illustrate the rejection of Israel's leaders and warn the new people against self-righteous arrogance.

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