Monday, March 13, 2006

Matthew Twenty Six

Chapter 26

Long chapter. My notes also have some good info on the passover and its significance: "The Passover was a seven-day Jewis spring festival combined with the Feast of Unleavened Bread, celebrating the exodus from Egyptian slavery to freedom. The term refers especially to the period extending from the evening of the first day, the day of Preparation, when the lamb was slaughtered at the temple, to the ensuing evening when the meal was eaten, to the meal itself." All of these elements have significance to the Passion and Jesus' mission as well.

1 - 5 The Plot to Kill Jesus

The chief priests plan to arrest Jesus and kill him (but during the festival because it might incite a riot).

6 - 13 The Annointing at Bethany

In Jesus Christ Superstar, this woman is Mary Magdelane, but that isn't evident here.

14 - 16 Judas Agrees to Betray Jesus

Judas goes to the chief priests on his own (I would have thought they would have approached him). They offer thirty pieces of silver (in Exodus, the value of an injured slave).

17 - 25 The Passover with the Disciples

Jesus predicts that one of his own will betray him. Judas is a little overly defensive, as can be expected.

26 - 30 The Institution of the Lord's Supper

My notes state that Jews are forbidden to drink blood, but then blood was also used to ratify a covenant.

31 - 35 Peter's Denial Foretold

Peter says he will never desert Jesus, but Jesus knows otherwise.

36 - 46 Jesus Prays in Gethsemane

No one will stay awake with Jesus. "My spirit is willing, but my flesh is weak." We are all human and have a lot to conquer because of these bodys which house our souls.

47 - 56 The Betrayal and Arrest of Jesus

Here is the chance for the disciples to get revenge, but Jesus calms them down. "One of those with Jesus" cuts off the ear of a high priests slave, and Jesus. Jesus goes peacefully in order to fulfill the scriptures. The disciples desert him.

57 - 68 Jesus Before the High Priest

Jesus doesn't overtly say he's the Son of God, but he is still convicted of blasphemy.

69 - 75 Peter's Denial of Jesus

Peter fulfills Jesus' prediction that he will deny him. Again, self-preservation takes over. (It's probably a good thing considering all this good things Peter goes on to do in Acts - still I feel sorry for him) The last sentence is poignant: "And he went out and wept bitterly.

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