Monday, September 17, 2007

Judges 4

Deborah and Barak

After Ehud dies, the Isrealites again offend the Lord and the Lord sends a new judge, Deborah (wife of Lappidoth) to summon Barak to defeat Sisera. After the Isrealites defeat them, Sisera flees on foot to Jael who famously plants him to the ground with a tent-peg. My notes: "It is to be noted that the sacred author merely records the fact of the murder of Sisera. We must not construe this as approval of Jael's action."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ehud was the last Judge we mentioned. After him the Israelites were evil again so God gave them over to Jabin, king of Canaan. Sisera was commander of his army and had 900 iron chariots. The Israelites were oppressed by them for 20 years.
Deborah (which meands "bee") is the reigning prophetess at this time. She is the only female judge. She summons Barak and tells him to take 10,000 men to overtake Jabin and Sisera. He says, "Only if you go with me." She explains that if she goes then she'll get credit rather than him.
The army fell but Sisera fled and went to Jael, wife of the current leader of the Kenites who were descendents of Moses' brother-in-law and supposed alies. She welcomed him into her tent but then hoodwinked him and ended up driving a tent peg "through his temple and into the ground". Barak came by in pursuit and Jael showed him the body and explained what happened. Jabin was subdued and destroyed.