Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Judges 3

1 - 6 The Nations the Lord allowed to Remain

A list of the nations the Lord allows to remain.

7 - 11 Othniel

Othniel, son of Caleb's younger brother is allowed to save the Isrealites. Afterward, the land is at rest for 40 years.

12 - 30 Ehud

Once again the Isrealites offend the Lord. When they cry out, the Lord raises a savior, the Benjaminte Ehud. Ehud goes to Moab King Eglon's upper room and sinks a two edged sword in his fat belly. The land is at rest for 80 years.

31 Shamgar

Shamgar slays 600 Philistines with an oxgoad to rescue Israel.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

1-6 The Lord left 4 nations to wage war on the Israelites to train them in warfare and to test them to see if they'd remain true to God. They did NOT remain loyal. They lived among them, married their daughters, and gave their own daughters, and served their gods.
7-11 Because the Israelites betrayed God and forgot Him, God sold them into slavery again to a local king for 8 years. After 8 years they cried to God and God sent Othniel, son of Caleb, as a judge. God led Othniel to victory and freedom. They had peace for 40 years.
The Israelites again forgot God and sined so God again gave them over to a local king for 18 years. God raised Ehud, "a left handed man" who made a sword, took the king a tribute privately, pulled the sword on him and killed him. Since they were in his private chambers no one found him until Ehud had time to escape. He freed the Israelites and killed 10,000 enemies in their escape. There was peace for 80 years.
31 Shamgar was also a savior (no details).