Sunday, November 25, 2007

Mark 8

1 - 10 Second Miracle of the Loaves

11 - 21 The Leaven of the Pharisees and Herod

22 - 26 Curing of a Blind Man at Bethsaida

27 - 30 Peter's Profession of Faith

Part Two: Jesus's Ministry on the Way to Jerusalem

31 - 38 Jesus Foretells his Passion & Resurrection. Christian Renunciation

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Another crowd had been following Jesus for 3 days (4,000 people). They were too far from anywhere to get food; in fact, Jesus said that some of the people would collapse on the way if he sent them for food from where they were. Anyway, This time they had 7 loaves and a few fish. 7 baskets of left-overs were gathered afterwards.
Jesus crossed the lake to Dalmanutha. The Pharisees asked him for a sign from heaven to prove himself. Jesus told them that they wouldn't get one.

Later, the disciples had only one loaf with them. Jesus told them to beware of the yeast of the Pharisees and Herod. They thought he was teasing them about forgetting bread. Jesus referred to the feeding of the 5,000 and 4,000. He is vague about the lesson they should learn from this but I think he's saying that the teaching and faith of the Pharisees not only won't go far but is corrupt and "wouldn't sit well" on the people who follow them. Jesus, on the other hand, and his teachings will satisify FAR beyond imagination and reach MANY more people.

22-25 Jesus heals another blind man and, again, tells him not to tell anyone.

27-30 an abbreviated version of the confrontation between Jesus and Peter on who the world says Jesus is and who the disciples say he is. Peter says that he is the Christ. Jesus says not to tell anyone.

31-38 Jesus tells the disciples about the events to come of his persecution, death, and resurrection. Peter rebukes him. Jesus rebukes back that he is being selfish wanting to keep Jesus there instead of fulfilling prophecy for the whole of mankind.
Jesus then says that if anyone wants to join him, they must sacrifice themselves to this world and it's priorities and pleasures; that the soul is more important than anything in this world; and that if anyone is ashamed of him here then Jesus will be ashamed of him in judgement.