Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Galatians 1

1 - 10 A Greeting and a Warning

Paul writes to the Galatians who have deserted "him who called you in the grace of Christed and turn(ed) to a different gospel." My notes state that enemies of Paul appeared after his second visit and tried to undermine his authority - especially on the matter of circumcision. Paul states that anyone who goes against what he preached should be accursed. "If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to that which you received, let him be accursed." Paul reiterates that he is not seeking to please men, but is "a servant (slave) of Christ."

11 - 24 Paul's Vocation

Paul asserts his authority by telling his story - how he persecuted the church and how he was called. He describes his travels to Damascus, Jerusalem, Syria, and Cilicia. In Judea they didn't know him by sight but had heard of him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Paul always begins with a formal salutation which explains who he is and by what authority he is writing. He immediately establishes that Jeuss Christ sent him and revealed the words he preaches. He also gives thanks to God for "rescuing us from this evil age".

He is surprised at the Galatian church for apparently turning from the message Paul preached to them before and have decided to listen to some "new" message. He tells them NOT to be confused and to listen ONLY to the message he originally preached to them; that even if HE or an ANGEL tries to tell them anything which contradicts his original message, to condemn the messenger. He points out that their focus and devotion to the original message pleases God and ensures that they are following God, not man. He is also telling them that if he, himself, ever preaches anything "new" which contradicts or adds to his original message, not to listen to him.

He reminds them of his calling; that he was a devout Jew and was "progressing" toward authority in that faith but when Jesus appeared to him, he immediately deserted all his previous life and authority to OBEY Christ. He points out that he never consulted with ANYONE on this decision. After 3 years, he met with Peter for 15 days and also met James.

He is now known throughout most of the land as "the man who preaches the faith he once tried to destroy". This converts people.