Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Galatians 5

1 - 12 Christian Freedom

Paul states that Christ has set us free from freedom. Anyone who gets circumcised is bound to the whole law (and severed from Christ). For Christians, circumcision is not an issue because Christ is "faith working through love." My notes: "He reiterates his message of justification or righteousness by faith instead of law and circumcision. Faith, not circumcision, is what counts."

13 - 26 The Fruits of the Spirit and the Works of the Flesh

Paul warns against using freedom for the flesh. He says the whole law is fulfilled in the law, "You shall love your neigbor as yourself." Don't gratify the desires of the flesh - the desires of the spirit and the flesh are opposed to one another. He gives lists of works of the flesh and fruits of the spirit (my notes state that such lists were common in the writings of the time). Paul concludes the chapter with good advice: "If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit. Let us have no self-conceit, no provoking of one another, no envy of one another."


Anonymous said...

Again he's speaking to those Galatians who have been persuaded to follow the Jewish practices. Some want to get circumcised but Paul warns that if they follow one rule they'll have to follow all of them. He then reminds them that Christ doesn't care about practices only their faith demonstrated by the love they show others. He wonders who has influenced them beside Christ. He is confident that the Lord will turn them back and that justice will come to this teacher of confusiton. In fact, he wishes that whoever is teaching circumcision would emasculate themselves!

19 The list of acts of a sinful nature. Paul warns that living with any of these in your life will NOT allow you to inherit the kingdom of God.

22 The list of Fruits of the Spirit. There is no law against demonstrating any of these. Those who demonstrate these traits in their lives prove their faith.

Karlton said...

"If we live in the Spirit, let us also follow the Spirit." We must allow the spirit in and then avoid sinful acts because the flesh is against the spirit and vice versa.