Monday, February 18, 2008

1 Samuel 20

1 - 42 David and Jonathan

David flees to Naioth and goes to Jonathan for advice about Saul. Jonathan explains that Saul tells him everything. David tells Jonathan that he's going to hide and that if Saul misses him, to tell him that he's gone to Bethlehem for a sacrifice with his clan. David knows that if Saul loses his temper he's not safe. Jonathan promises to send word of Saul's mood.

At dinner, Saul says nothing because he thinks David has done something to become ceremonially unclean. When Jonathan tells him he gave David permission to go to his family, Saul explodes with anger. He tells him to bring David to him for execution. When he asks his father why, his father hurls a spear at him.

The next day, Jonathan ditches the boy he was hunting with, finds David, and warns him of Saul's plans. They swear their friendship and part ways. (Not only that, but the allegience of their descendants - i.e. Saul's descendents - Remember that David has a Most Holy Descendent - Jesus Christ!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

David and Jonathan are very good friends. David asks Jonathan why Saul, Jonathan's father, is trying to kill him. Jonathan assures him that Saul would tell him if he had plans of this kind. They devise a plan.

David says that tomorrow is the New Moon festival and he is supposed to celebrate it with Saul and Jonathan. David says that he will hide in a field throughout the festival and Jonathan (if asked) will make an excuse that David had to go to Bethlehem to make a sacrifice for his family. If Saul misses David and is "nice" about it, Jonathan will go to a rock in the field where David is hiding and shoot 3 arrows into the rock. If Saul is mad because David isn't there, he'll shoot the 3 arrows over and beyond the rock and David will know to leave and hide.

Well, at the dinner, Saul does indeed ask where David is. Jonathan tells the planned story about the "Bethlehem sacrifice". Saul basically calls Jonathan an SOB, accuses Jonathan of "siding" with David, and tries to kill him with a spear!

Well, it's clear that David has to leave so Jonathan goes back to the field and shoots the arrows over the rock. David reveals himself and they swear allegiance to each other and part ways.

This is an example of loyal friendship under adverse circumstances.