Monday, February 18, 2008

1 Samuel 21

1 - 9 David at Nob

In Nob, David visits Ahimelech the priest, tells him that he's on a mission for the king and since there is no regular bread and the men have kept themselves from women, he gets consecrated bread. Doeg the Edomite, Saul's head shepherd is there. David asks for a sword, and Ahimelech give Goliath's sword.

10 - 15 David at Gath

Then David goes to Achish king of Gath. Because he knows the song that made Saul so angry, David fears Achish. He pretends to go crazy so Achish will dismiss him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Notes indicate that David went to Nob because that's where the tabernacle was at this time; everything but the Ark. Apparently David wanted to seek the Lord's guidance through the Urim and Thummim. Notes also indicate that David lied to Ahimelech to protect him in case Saul asked him about David. David and his men needed food and the only bread was the ceremonial bread. Although only the priests could eat it, Ahimilech offered it to them as long as they were ceremonially clean. Jesus uses this incident to illustrate the principle that the ceremonila law was not to be viewed in a legalistic manner and that it's always lawful to do good and to save lives. Such compassion is within the true spirit of the law.
When David goes to Gath they recognize him and sing the song about Saul killing thousands and David killing tens of thousands. He acts mad to be dismissed.