Monday, July 31, 2006

Numbers 22 / Psalm 49

Numbers 22

1 - 21 Balak Summons Balaam to Curse Israel

When Balak saw what Israel had done to the Amorites and Moab becomes fearful. Moab orders Israel cursed. Balaam is the diviner who blesses and curses - he refuses to curse because "I could not go beyond the command of the Lord my God." (18) God tells Balaam to go with the men and await further orders.

22 - 40 Balaam, the Donkey, and the Angel

This is the story of a donkey that can see more than the seer. The donkey sees the angel and first lays down and then speakes to Balaam. Then the Lord opens Balaam's eyes.

Psalm 49

Confidence in God rather than Riches

1 - 6 It looks like the rich have everything, but we must trust God.

8 - 10 It is wrong to rely on wealth

14 - 21 The rich seem to have everything now, but when they die, they will have nothing.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Numbers 21 / Psalms 48

Numbers 21

1 - 3 The Defeat of Arad

The Lord hands over the Canaanites to Isrealites since they make a vow unto the Lord.

4 - 9 The Bronze Serpent

When the Isrealites begin mumbling again, He sends poisonous serpents to bite them. They repent and the Lord tells Moses how to fight them by means of a bronze serpent. It's on a pole - whoever is bitten and looks upon the bronze serpent will live. (pretty nifty!)

10 - 20 The Journey to Moab

They go to Moab (singing a couple of songs on the way). The place overlooks a wasteland.

21 - 31 King Sihon Defeated

King Sihon is from the Amorites. My notes: "The Isreaites still need to move farther north in order to press their attack on Canaan from the east, and this brings them to the border of the Amorite territory.

33 - 35 King Og Defeated

King Og is from the Bashan, (another Amorite King). (I can't keep the current crisis in Isreal out of my head while reading all of this.

Psalm 48

The Glory and Strength of Zion

1 - 3 The psalmist praises the Lord and the beauty of Mount Zion.

4 - 8 The psalmist describes the kings' astonishment at the beauty of Zion and that the Lord established the city forever.

9 - 14 The psalmist praises the Lord's name and says one should consider the beauty of Zion so one can tell the next generation about the glory of the Lord.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Numbers 20 / Psalm 47

Numbers 20

1 - 13 Water from the Rock

Upon arrival at Kadesh in the Desert of Zin (Miriam dies), there is no water to drink. Of course the Isrealites complain, so Moses takes his staff and produces water. Bhe Lord tells Moses and Aaron that they will be denied land because of the Isrealites' lack of faith.

14 - 21 Edom Denies Israel Passage

Moses sent messengers from Kadesh to the king of Edom hoping for passage, but the king denies them passage. So they turn away from Edom.

22 - 29 The Death of Aaron

After they leave Kadesh, Aaron dies atop Mount Hor. The Isrealite community mourns for 30 days.

Psalm 47

1 - 4 Some great lines in this one! "Clap your hands, all you nations; shout to God with cries of joy How awesome is the LORD Most High, the great King over all the earth!" (1-2) Also, praise God for defeating our enemies!

5 - 9 Another music reference: "God has ascended amid shouts of joy, the LORD amid the sounding of trumpets" (5) [sorry - nothing about trombones - or bassoons for that matter] The nobles of all nations asemble to praise God. (I guess this means all the tribes of Isreal).

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Numbers 19 / Psalm 46

Numbers 19

1 - 22 The Water of Cleansing

The Lord commands them to sacrifice a red heifer. Also discussed is how to cleanse oneself after touching a corpse.

Psalm 46

God's Defense of His City and People

1 - 3 "God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble" (1)

4 - 7 "Nations are in uproar, kingdoms fall; he lifts his voice, the earth melts" (6)

8 - 11 "The LORD Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress" (11)

I'm sure a lot of folks in Isreal are thinking about this psalm given what's going on over there.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Numbers 18 / Psalm 45

Numbers 18

1 - 7 Responsibility of Priests and Levites

Aaron and his son's have responsibility over duties of the sanctuary and will bear the responsibility for offenses.

8 - 32 The Priests' Portion

What the priests can receive, including grain, sin, and guilt offerings - plus the best of the oil, wine, grain and first fruit offerings.

Psalm 45

Ode for a Royal Wedding

My notes say this is "a song forthe Davidic king's marriage to a foreign princess from Tyre in Phoenicia." They also say that "The psalm was retained in the collection when there was no reigning king, and came to be applied to the king who was to come, the messiah."

3 - 10 The psalmist thanks God for establishing divine rule and for his choice in king

11 - 13 The woman is to forget her house when she becomes wife to the king.

14 - 18 Her majestic beauty is a sign of future prosperity for the house.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Numbers 17 / Psalm 44

Numbers 17

1 - 12 The Budding of Aaron's Rod

The Lord tells Aaron to get 12 staffs from each tribe and place them in the tent before the covenant. The staff of the man the Lord chooses will sprout. Then next day, the staff of Aaron for the House of Levi had sprouted and bore ripe almonds. Moses gave all the staffs back, but the Lord told him to put Aaron's back before the covenant as a warning against further complaints. (Still, they seem to complain in verse 12, no?)

Psalm 44

National Lement and Prayer for Help

1 - 3 The nation has been afflicted and beaten.

4 - 8 The Psalmist affirms belief in God and dedication to him.

9 - 16 The pslamist says God has rejected his people and allowed them to be disgraced.

17 - 22 Still the psalmist's people have not forgotten God and they still praise him.

23 - 26 The psalmist asks the Lord to wake up and help his people.

This might seem blasphemous, but it displays real feelings and also real dedication from the psalmist. It reminds me of how I might have felt after 9/11.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Numbers 16 / Psalm 43

Numbers 16

1 - 50 The Revolt of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram

There is a revolt among the disobedient. The ground opens and swallows them. Then the Isrealites are still rebellious. In the end 4,700 are dead of the plague (not counting those who perished in the "Korah affair.)

Psalm 43

Again, we speak of the sanctity of the santuary. I'm convinced that I need to treat going to church with more reverence - as if it is a gift of God and not just something to do on Sunday morning.

1 - 2 The psalmist asks for vindication

3 - 4 The psalmist asks for "your light and your truth" to lead him so he can go to the altar and "praise you with the harp, O God, my God." (Let's hear it for music and worship)

5. Finally, the psalmist asks for more confidence in order to worship the Lord.