Monday, July 17, 2006

Numbers 16 / Psalm 43

Numbers 16

1 - 50 The Revolt of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram

There is a revolt among the disobedient. The ground opens and swallows them. Then the Isrealites are still rebellious. In the end 4,700 are dead of the plague (not counting those who perished in the "Korah affair.)

Psalm 43

Again, we speak of the sanctity of the santuary. I'm convinced that I need to treat going to church with more reverence - as if it is a gift of God and not just something to do on Sunday morning.

1 - 2 The psalmist asks for vindication

3 - 4 The psalmist asks for "your light and your truth" to lead him so he can go to the altar and "praise you with the harp, O God, my God." (Let's hear it for music and worship)

5. Finally, the psalmist asks for more confidence in order to worship the Lord.

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