Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Numbers 18 / Psalm 45

Numbers 18

1 - 7 Responsibility of Priests and Levites

Aaron and his son's have responsibility over duties of the sanctuary and will bear the responsibility for offenses.

8 - 32 The Priests' Portion

What the priests can receive, including grain, sin, and guilt offerings - plus the best of the oil, wine, grain and first fruit offerings.

Psalm 45

Ode for a Royal Wedding

My notes say this is "a song forthe Davidic king's marriage to a foreign princess from Tyre in Phoenicia." They also say that "The psalm was retained in the collection when there was no reigning king, and came to be applied to the king who was to come, the messiah."

3 - 10 The psalmist thanks God for establishing divine rule and for his choice in king

11 - 13 The woman is to forget her house when she becomes wife to the king.

14 - 18 Her majestic beauty is a sign of future prosperity for the house.

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