Monday, July 31, 2006

Numbers 22 / Psalm 49

Numbers 22

1 - 21 Balak Summons Balaam to Curse Israel

When Balak saw what Israel had done to the Amorites and Moab becomes fearful. Moab orders Israel cursed. Balaam is the diviner who blesses and curses - he refuses to curse because "I could not go beyond the command of the Lord my God." (18) God tells Balaam to go with the men and await further orders.

22 - 40 Balaam, the Donkey, and the Angel

This is the story of a donkey that can see more than the seer. The donkey sees the angel and first lays down and then speakes to Balaam. Then the Lord opens Balaam's eyes.

Psalm 49

Confidence in God rather than Riches

1 - 6 It looks like the rich have everything, but we must trust God.

8 - 10 It is wrong to rely on wealth

14 - 21 The rich seem to have everything now, but when they die, they will have nothing.

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