Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Numbers 21 / Psalms 48

Numbers 21

1 - 3 The Defeat of Arad

The Lord hands over the Canaanites to Isrealites since they make a vow unto the Lord.

4 - 9 The Bronze Serpent

When the Isrealites begin mumbling again, He sends poisonous serpents to bite them. They repent and the Lord tells Moses how to fight them by means of a bronze serpent. It's on a pole - whoever is bitten and looks upon the bronze serpent will live. (pretty nifty!)

10 - 20 The Journey to Moab

They go to Moab (singing a couple of songs on the way). The place overlooks a wasteland.

21 - 31 King Sihon Defeated

King Sihon is from the Amorites. My notes: "The Isreaites still need to move farther north in order to press their attack on Canaan from the east, and this brings them to the border of the Amorite territory.

33 - 35 King Og Defeated

King Og is from the Bashan, (another Amorite King). (I can't keep the current crisis in Isreal out of my head while reading all of this.

Psalm 48

The Glory and Strength of Zion

1 - 3 The psalmist praises the Lord and the beauty of Mount Zion.

4 - 8 The psalmist describes the kings' astonishment at the beauty of Zion and that the Lord established the city forever.

9 - 14 The psalmist praises the Lord's name and says one should consider the beauty of Zion so one can tell the next generation about the glory of the Lord.

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