Thursday, August 10, 2006

Numbers 29

Numbers 29

1 - 6 Offerings at the Festival of Trumpets

The Lord demands a burnt offering of one young bull, one ram and seven male lambs a year old, all without defect, a grain offering of 3/10 of an ephah of fine flour and oil, one male goat as a sin offering, and the drink offering. (All of this makes a pleasing odor)

7 - 11 Offerings on the Day of Atonement

On the tenth day of the seventh month, theLord demands 1 young bull, 7 male lambs (a year old without blemish), grain offering, a male goat for sin offering, and the regular offerings.

12 - 40 Offerings at the Festival of Booths

Here is a list of what the Lord demands day by day for the 8 days of the festival. (I won't write it down - it's all there in Numbers 29!) Still, there's going to be a convocation and no working.

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