Monday, August 14, 2006

Numbers 31

Numbers 31

1 - 12 War Against Midian

The Lord commands Moses to avenge the Israelites against Midian (1000 troops from each side). They battle and kill every male, including the kings of Midian. They bring all of the spoils of war to Moses, to Eleazar the priest and to the congregation of the Israelites (in Moab).

13 - 24 Return from the War

Moses gets mad with the officers because he allowed the women to live. He tells them to go back and kill the women and little baby boys (but it's okay to keep virgins for yourselves, wink wink). Eleazar tells how everything in the booty must be purified.

25 - 54 Disposition of Captives and Booty

The spoils are divided in two parts: between those who went to battle and the congregation (list follows).

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