Thursday, November 02, 2006

1 Corinthians 10

1 -22 Do All to the Glory of God

Paul continues to discuss things offered to idols. Paul reminds the congregation about Israel's idolatry & sexual immorality and the danger of their own. Paul recommends they "flee from the worship of idols" (1-14). He describes the communal implications of religiousfeasts and warns against provoking the Lord to jealousy by "being partners with demons" (15-22). My notes say this is probably a rebuke to the sort of practice alluded to in 8:10, where some at the church in Corinth thought nothing of eating sacrificial meat even in an idol's temple.

23 - 33 Do All to the Glory of God

Paul gives specific instructions concerning meat later sold in the market place or offered at the dinner of an unbeliever to which they might be invited. He recommends they not be concerned unless someone specifically associates it with having been offered to an idol, and then to refrain out of consideration for the other's conscience (23-30).

What's the meaning of all this? "So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God." (31) Do this so that the people you meet throughout the day may be saved. He concludes with another good quote: "Be imiatators of me, as I am of Christ" (11:1)

1 comment:

Karlton said...

Good comment on 32. (& 13 too! I'll have to memorize that one!)