Wednesday, November 01, 2006

1 Corinthians 9

1 - 26 The Rights of an Apostle

What rights does an apostle have? Food and drink - a believing wife, etc. Paul shows how he has restrained himself. Though he had the right to have a believing wife and be supported in the preaching the gospel (1-14), he freely chose not to exercise these and other rights. One reason was so he might be able to offer his service to the Lord (15-18), but Paul also wanted to save others (19-23). Also, Paul believes that self-restraint is necessary quality for salvation (24-27).

1 comment:

Karlton said...

You're right. If one becomes a Christian because of the things you might gain (money, position, friends, power), then it's easy to let the meaning of being a Christian pass away from you.