Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Deuteronomy 17

1 - 13 Administration of Justice (continued)

If you see that someone is breaking the covenant (worshiping other gods), you should stone these people to death. Purge evil in your midst.

If the decision is too difficult for you then, you should tell a levitical priest and then carry out his decision. (It's also bad to disobey the priest). All the people will hear and be afraid, and will not act presumptuously again (13).

14 - 20 Kingship

When you come into a new land, you will set upon a king who the Lord will choose.

Question of the Day: I know these laws are beginning to get a little "dry" for studying (at least for me). Here is the question: What is the value of studying these old laws?

(This is what I've been thinking about and you don't have to comment on it, but When Jesus established the new covenant, did he set aside the first covenant? and if so, "Is the old covenant obsolete?" - see Hebrews 8)

1 comment:

FireBoy said...

I think they give us a model. Maybe not so much the sacrifices since Jesus was sacrificed for us. But it helps remind me to follow God and keep him first in everything. I think God gave them these laws so He could rule through them. We have to let him reach the world through us and not be a "barrier."