Sunday, April 08, 2007

Deuteronomy 18

1 - 8 The Levitical Priesthood

Levitical priests shall have no allotment or inheritance in Israel. I guess they can eat what the sacrifices, but they can't gain any thing by being priests.

9 - 22 Israal's Prophets

Again, if an Isrealite goes into strange lands, he can't take on the abhorrnet practices (religion) of the new lands. Then the Lord will raise up a prophet. The Isrealites should be able to recognize the prophet. "You may say to yourself, "How can we recognize a word that the Lord has not spoken? If a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, it is a word that God has not spoken. The prophet has spoke it presumptuously; do not be frightened by it. (21-22)

Question of the Day: I was thinking about how many times this book repeats the commandment not to take up the religions of strange lands. In what ways (other than practicing another faith) can we be guilty of "taking up the abhorrent practices" of strange lands?


Karlton said...

JP, You said "people today worship (serve) many idols" I like the word "serve"

FireBoy said...

Remember the ouija board thing a decade or so ago. And that crazy "psychic" lady on the Montell show. It's really amazing how many people get sucked into that kind of nonsense.

Karlton said...

A lot of that "New Age" stuff preys on people who don't know who they are spiritually. The number one book today is called "The Secret" - The "Secret" is that if you believe something will happen, the "universe" will make it happen. It's absurd - and that's why it's important to know who you are and what you believe or you will fall for every gimic that comes along.