Monday, April 30, 2007

Deuteronomy 28

1 - 46 Covenental Blessings and Curses

My notes: "The blessings affirm that national security, prosperity, and political preeminence are intrinsic consequences of Israel's fidelity to the covenant relationship." English: You do good and good things will happen to you.

On the other hand, if you don't do good; bad things will happen (curses).

47 - 68 Scenarios of Curse

If Israel doesn't follow the covenant, it will be reversed by God.

Question of the Day: J.P.?


Anonymous said...

Well, the first thing I notice is that the blessings only take up vs 1-14 where the curses take up the rest of the 68 vs!
58 God warns that all these curses will happen if they don't obey and revere His name "The Lord Your God". Notes indicate that translations differ some here. There were several names for God in the original language. Notes indicate thay Yahweh is the term in this case which is the most personal and intimate name of God. Jehovah and Adonai are others. Notes indicate that Jews quit using Yahweh for fear of seeming too intimate relationship with God and the punishments it could bring.

Two other things occur to me:
1- It seems that the New Covenant (Jesus) was much better because anyone on earth can CHOOSE to obey and love God. Throughout the Old Testament it seems God was having to FORCE them to love and obey Him. What's the point in that?
2- The curses described here are basically caused from turning away from God.
QUESTION - Do you see any of these curses evident today? If so, which ones?

FireBoy said...

Hey guys, sorry I've become so irregular. The computers at work are not letting us on the internet.
The first thing that comes to mind is verse 30 and all the failed marriages in this country. A guy at work said his family stopped going to church and praying together, etc. and the next thing he knew, he was difforcing his wife who was pregnant by another guy.
Also, verse 49. There's a lot of sinful, evil behavior in this country. How long is it going to be before God let's another nation tear us apart?
Some of this chapter was super difficult to read. The part about the parents eating children grossed me out a little.

Karlton said...

I think a lot of it applies. Verse 38 stood out to me: "Though you spend much seed on your field, you will harvest but little, for the locusts will devour the crop." It seems like there are so many distractions now that (tv, Internet, email, etc.) the harder I work the less I get done.