Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Deuteronomy 23

1 - 8 Those Excluded From The Assembly
  • Genetalia "problems" = ok to go to assembly.
  • However, those born of "illicit union" can't go - not even to the 10th generation (I can only trace my family back 4 generations, so . . . ).
  • No Ammonites or Moabites because they didn't meet the Isrealites with with food & water on their journey from Egypt.
  • Don't hate Edomites (they're kin) or Egyptians (Isrealites resided there as aliens)

9 - 25 Sanitary, Ritual, and Humanitarian Precepts

  • Guard against enemies.
  • If one is unclean from "nocturnal emission" he can't come to camp until the next evening, and then only if he washes.
  • Go the the bathroom outside of camp and cover it up.
  • Don't return slaves who escape to you, but don't oppress them.
  • No temple prostitutes.
  • Don't charge interest to other Isrealites, but for foreigners, it's okay.
  • If you vow something to God, fulfill it.
  • If you go into your neighbor's vineyard, you may eat your fill of grapes, but don't put any in a container and take off.
  • If you go into your neighbor's standing grain, you may eat what you pluck with your hand ("five finger discount"), but don't take a sickle to it.

Question of the Day: Someone think of a question.


Anonymous said...

correction: emasculated guys CAN'T go to assembly.
2 born of forbidden marriage - This wouldn't apply after Christ because He changed the requirements to be saved. God wouldn't hold today's generation responsible for yesterday's generations sins.
Ammonites and Moabites are banished to the 10th generations. Edomites and Egyptians, even though friends, can't come to assembly till the 3rd generation.
Encampments for battle are to be pure,holy places because God is there to protect them. RE: visiting your neighbor's vineyard and grainary - This is really more hospitality. If you visit someone, help yourself but don't take a "doggie bag".

It occurs to me that the "2 great commandments" apply in all these; love God and love your neighbor as yourself. Remembering these control most situations. I don't see why the same rules are repeated so many times. I feel like i'm reading in circles sometime.

Fireboy, ask a question.

Karlton said...

emasculated guys = yikes the "No" in "no one" sure makes a difference.

doggie bag = ha

FireBoy said...

I can't think of a good question. Verse 17-18 keep drawing me in though. Why would prostitution need to be forbidden? It seems like that would fall under committing adultery.

Karlton said...

I thought that was interesting too, Fireboy. And my version says, "Temple Prostitute" That might fill the seats at church, but it's just wrong.