Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Deuteronomy 30

1 - 20 Prescriptions for Renewal of Covenant

Moses tells the Isrealites what will happen if they keep the Covenant. (A convincing chapter) If you keep the commandment "then the Lord your God will restore your fortunes and have compassion on you . . . (3) Even if you are exiled to the ends of the worls, from there the Lord your God will gather you, and from there he will bring you back. (4)" The Lord will circumsise your hearts so you will love the Lord.

11 - 14. Surely keeping the commandments aren't too hard for you.

15 - 20. Moses has set before the Isrealites life and prosperity but also death and adversity. If they obey God, they will prosper, but if they turn away, they shall perish.

Question of the Day: What does it mean that the Lord will "circumsise your heart" (6)?


Anonymous said...

This would be a good chapte to refer someone to who either isn't a Christian or doesn't read the Bible. This tells WHY we should do both.
First Moses says,"if you do these things I have told you and obey, then your reward will be ....". The next logical question would be, "What did he tell them? What should we obey?" The only way to discover this is to READ THE BIBLE.
Moses makes an excellent point in 11-14. Doing what's right, choosing God, and discovering what He wants us to do isn't impossible to discover. It doesn't require a brilliant mind. We don't have to travel around the world to find it (although we should remember that there was a time when people WOULD have to do that). God's truth, love, and power are RIGHT UNDER OUR NOSES to USE and REAP THE BENEFITS OF.
15 "I set before you today: life and prosperity, death and destruction." Two clear choices.

ANSWER: If we will CHOOSE to obey God then he will eliminate all distracting, sinful desires from our heart "so that we may love him with all our heart and will all our soul, and LIVE".

Karlton said...

I agree. Good chapter.