Monday, May 14, 2007

Deuteronomy 29

1 - 29 The Covenant Enacted at Moab

This chapter begins the conclusion of the book. Moses summons Isreal and sums up how they've heard the story. He tells them they are each individually accountable to keep God's law. He also warns them about what will happen if they break God's law. 29: "The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the revealed things belong to us and to our children forever, to observe all the words of this law."

Question of the day: I like how Moses describes the Israelites' disobediance as stubborness. In what ways does sin sprout from stubborness?


Anonymous said...

4 "But to this day the Lord has not given you a mind that understands or eyes that see or ears that hear." God does this today with non-Christians. They see and know the difference between Christians and non-Christians but "they don't get it" UNTIL God is ready to reveal truth to them in their specific, personal life.
19 If one of the Israelites decides to turn away he would be thinking, "I will be safe, even though i persist in going my own way." The Lord will never forgive him. You can't have it both ways. You know right and must live that way.
The people can break the covenant by turning away from God and worshiping other gods or idols. The result will be all the curses and afflictions mentioned before.
29 "The secret things belong to the Lord our God" this means stuff like how the univese was created, etc. "The things revealed belong to us and our children forever" refers to the Bible. God told us what we need to know to live with him in eternity and please him while we're on earth. THAT'S ALL WE NEED TO WORRY ABOUT! The "secret things" may or may not be revealed when we get to heaven. Either way we shouldn't worry about them. They can be a distraction which can keep us from "doing our job" of living for God.

ANSWER: Stubborness is when we insist in doing what we want wheather or not we know God's truth. Some people intentionally don't read the Bible so they won't "break the rules" although they MUST know in their hearts that they are "lying" to themselves. Stubborness can refer to the last verse where someone can say, "God can't keep any knowledge from me! If I can't know the "secret things" then I won't follow Him!" All this results in turning away from God even though the person may not see it that way. The result is clear in the Word.
We need to keep the GOAL in mind and help remind others what the WHOLE POINT is. If we don't get to heaven by obeying and pleasing God on earth then there will be nothing else. The "secret things" may still not be revealed in heaven and this should make us think "so what's the point then?" and get on with it.

Karlton said...

I agree. Stubborness is when we know what to do, but refuse for our own reasons.