Thursday, May 17, 2007

Deuteronomy 32

Congratulations, Fireboy!

Victoria "Tori" Grace. 5/13/07

She's beautiful, man!

1 - 51 The Song of Moses

Moses sings the song about the relationship between God and Jacob (Israel). God sustains Jacob in time of need. Then Jacob becomes fat and sacfrices to strange gods. The Lord becomes jealous spurns Jacob's sons and daughters. He says, "I will hide my face from them." In the end, "the Lord will vindicate his people, have compassion on his servents when he sees that their power is gone . . . " (36) God will protect His people. Praise the Lord!

Moses recites the song to the people and tells them to take heart of them and command their children to keep God's law.

God tells Moses to climb Mount Nebo and die there (as Aaron died on Mount Hor). There he can view the land God promised the Isrealites, but he may not enter.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Song of Moses
I thought this might be a summary of the whole story but instead Moses tells of his bitterness toward the Israelites and their constantly turning away from God. It is very poetic, though.
1-4 He summons the "heavens" to listen that his words might fall as "rain on tender plants" as he proclaims the "greateness of God".
5-6 the people have acted corrupted, warped, foolish.
7-8 God chose them to divide the earth for them.
10-14 Moses recalls how God helped him survive in the desert when he was cast out of Egypt in the beginning.
16-22 The Israelites turned away, made, and worshiped other gods and idols creating a fire of wrath in God.
23-29 the punishment for turning away and angering God
30-35 He points out that the other gods are pointless and empty. "Their vine comes from sodom and Gomorrah. Their grapes are filled with poison. Their wine is venom."
36-43 God will have compassion on his servants. He will realize that they are helpless and he will not abandon them. They will realize God's power and worship him again.
Notes indicate that the Dead Sea Scrolls include another phrase in vs 43: "Rejoice, O nations, with his people, AND LET THE ANGELS WORSHIP HIM."

48-52 God tells Moses to climb Mt. Nebo and view Canaan. He can not go there because he broke faith with God in the presence of the Israelites in meribah Kadesh. He will die on Mt. Nebo.