Monday, July 30, 2007

Joshua 6

1 - 27 Jericho Taken and Destroyed

The Lord commands Joshua to have the warriors circle the city once (for 6 days) with 7 priests, bearing 7 trumpets of rams' horns before the ark. On the seventh day they may blast the trumpets and the people may shout, and the wall of the city will fall so the people may charge ahead. And this is exactly what happens. (They also rescue Rahab and all that are in her house). Finally Joshua curses the city.

Question of the Day: This action takes 7 days are there other actions in scripture that take 7 days? How does this compare to those?


Anonymous said...

Well, I've never actually read this story but I've heard it all my life.
Details are interesting. Joshua, the soldiers, and trumpeters marched around the city once a day for seven days. On the seventh day they marched around the city seven times, shouted, one long trumpet blast, and the walls fell.
The Israelites went into the city and killed everyone (except Rahab)and all animals and took all the valuables. The gold, silver, and bronze items were to go into God's treasury.
Joshua's curse was that anyone who tries to rebuild Jericho would lose their children.

Answer: Creation took 7 days. Both were a process with the final result on the last day.

Karlton said...

I found these on the web:

Seven days after Noah went into the Ark, the floods came.

Before Aaron and his sons entered their priestly work they were consecrated seven days.