Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Joshua 7

1 - 26 The Sin of Achan and Its Punishment

Achan (of Judah) took some "devoted things." Israel is punished for this when about 36 men are killed when they attack Ai. Joshua responds by tearing his clothes. He asks God how this could happen? Didn't they have a covenant. God replies that Israel had sinned and broken the covenant, and orders them to sanctify themselves (including the burning of Achan). All of Israel stone him and burn him. The stones were piled up and the place was named The Valley of Achor (Trouble - [with a capital "T" which rhymes with "P" . . . ).

Question of the Day: Question?


Anonymous said...

Achan stole some valuables from Jericho when they plundered it after the battle. No one but God knew it. God was angry. Joshua sent troops (3000) to take a small town, Ai. 36 were killed and the rest driven back. Joshua tore his clothes in anger and asked God how he could allow this. God explains that someone violated the covenant regarding sacred things from Jericho and for Joshua to bring forward each tribe, clan, family, and individual and question them until the guilty is revealed. Achan is found and confesses. They find the stoled items, stone Achan along with all his family and their possessions are burned.

Question: What can we learn from this regarding sin and our relationship / favor with God? Is it relevant today?

Karlton said...

Achan was punished because he broke the covenant with God. We should be thankful that God has since given us a new covenant in that Jesus died for our sins (a lot like Achan died for Israel - the difference being that Jesus was blameless).