Thursday, October 04, 2007

Judges 15

Samson returns to his wife and discovers that she married another man. His father offers his (prettier) younger daughter. "This time I'm without blame," he thinks, and burns the Philistines' crops by tying torches to the tails of 500 foxes. When the Philistines find out that Samson did this, they blame his wife and her father and burn them up. Samson swears to to avenge them and hides in a cave.

The men from Judah find Samson and get him to agree to accompany them to turn himself in, and they tie him up. When they arrive at the Philistines, his bonds melt off like wax. He takes the jawbone of a donkey and slays a thousand men. He throws away the jawbone (ramath-lehi = the Hill of the Jawbone) and takes a drink at En-hakkore (The Spring of the one who called - he called out to God). Samson judges 20 years.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Samson slaughtered many of the Philistines who burned his wife and father in law before hiding in a cave. 3000 Philistines went to Judah to capture Samson for burning their crops (grain, vineyards, olive groves). The Judeans go to Samson and plead with him to turn himself over to avoid war. He agrees. When the Philistines see him they rush him shouting (like the lion did earlier). Samson kills a thousand of them with the donkey's jawbone. Afterward, he was thirsty, prays for water, and God "opened" the hill and water came out (just as with the Hebrews in the desert with Moses).