Monday, October 29, 2007

Mark 2

1 - 12 Curing of a Paralyzed Man - After Jesus returned from Capernaum, he forgave the sins of a parylitic. The scribes thought this was blasphemous, and Jesus healed the man. They were amazed and glorified God.

13 - 17 The Calling of the Tax Collector) - Levi the Son of Alpheus (My notes say Matthew calls him Matthew; Luke calls him Levi too - it's assumed they are the same person & he's Matthew) sits by tax office and rises and follows Jesus. When the scribes ask why he associates with sinners, Jesus says, "Those who aren't well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick; I came not to call the righteous, but sinners."

18 - 22 A Discussion on Fasting - The Pharisees ask why Jesus' disciples don't fast, and Jesus says that wedding guests can't fast while the bridegroom is with them. Further, a new patch on an old garment won't work. Further, new wine doesn't work in old wineskins. My notes say he's talking about the relationship between the Old Law (Testament) and the New. Jesus has come to fulfill the Old Law.

23 - 28 The Law of the Sabbath - One sabbath Jesus is going through the grainfields and his disciples pick the grain. The Pharisees ask why he's allowing them to work on the sabbath. Jusus says, "The sabbath was made for man, not man for the sabbath; so the Son of man is lord even of the sabbath."

I've always assumed that Jesus was against going by the letter of the law rather than the spirit of the law. I still think this, but my notes say further, "Christ teaches God's purpose in instituting the sabbath: God established it for man's good, to help him rest and devote himslef to divine worhip in joy and peace. The Pharisees, through their interpretation of the Law, had turned this day into a source of anguish and scruple to due to all the various prescriptions and prohibitions they introduced."


Anonymous said...

Jesus returned "home" to Capernaum. Notes indicate that he was probably staying in Peter's home. In any case, he is in a home when so many people come to see him that there's no room. A group bring the paralized man, can't get through the crowd to Jesus, so they cut a hole in the roof and lower him through it to Jesus. This impresses Jesus so he "forgives his sins". There is discussion of this being blasphemous but Jesus says that whether he says, "Your sins are forgiven" or "Get up and walk" both are just as impossible for man and just as easy for God so his point is proved either way. They are "splitting hairs" over wording and missing the miracle.

After calling Levi, Jeusus has dinner at his home. Again, the "teachers of the law" see him socializing with "sinners" and question this. Jesus says that the sick need help not the well.
This situation happens to all of us today: "Christians" behave as if "sinners" are lower class and below them. Our point is to convert people, or that is, present the information and example of a better life to those who need it. We can't do that if we hang around Christians all the time. We need to divide our time between both. We need a church and the company of Christians who are good examples for us so that we can continue to grow in our faith but we also need to spend time with "sinners" so we can "do our job" of spreading the word.

Some people point out that John (the Baptist's) disciples are fasting but Jesus' weren't and wondered why. Fasting was usually observed during times of sorrow. Jesus points out that his disciples are in a time of joy where it's not appropriate.
This makes me think of our different church traditions today. John's disciples were probably fasting because he was in prison, therefore it was appropriate for them to fast which Jesus apparently approves of. It seems that each church can observe whatever ceremonies or traditions if desires as long as it's appropriate for where they are in their journey through faith.

Jesus and his disciples happened to be walking through a grain field on their way somewhere so they "got a snack" on the way. The Pharisees considered this "harvesting" which is forbidden on the Sabbath. They took the whole incident out of context. Jesus points out that the Sabbath was created for man's benefit to restore his spirit, mind, and body. Again, this shows his authority as Lord.

Karlton said...

Good notes, J.P.!

FireBoy said...

Karlton's right, you have great notes. It's very hard to comment after you, jp. You cover it all. So I have to comment on what sticks out to me. Verse 11ish where he heals the paralized man. He still does this all the time today. He may take a little longer than he did at that house. People have developed so much faith in doctors and medicine that they "miss the miracle"(to quote jp). In my career, I have the chance to give a lot of "life saving drugs and procedures." I have recently stopped saying "you're welcome" and replace it with "I didn't do anything." I guess I do that to remind them (and me) that we're not in control and God is working right then.